Remarks at dinner

These are my prepared remarks, what I said was some approximation to these. Hi, I’m Dan. I’m a grad student here in the mathematics department. Thanks for coming. We are here today because we’re concerned. We’re here today to make

War Criminals of Tomorrow

An awesome video by a friend. “Condoleezza Rice is back at Stanford University. What does it mean for the Stanford community to accept an alleged war criminal on their campus? What does the pipeline of war criminals to universities

Relevant articles & videos

Some articles and videos of relevance for those interested in peace and justice. 1. San Francisco — your tax dollars at work. Footage of police violence at SF antiwar rally last weekend. About 2:50 in. “The State is authority, it

Guardian investigations in Gaza

Gaza war crimes investigationCivilians, medics and investigators talk to the Guardian aboutallegations of war crimes during Israel’s 23-day campaign in Gaza Under attack: how medics died trying to help Gaza’s casualtiesIsraeli military says medical staff ‘take the risk upon themselves’(Including

The Herd strikes again

These have been around for a while now, but still, songs about history, US foreign policy, and war, are always interesting. The first one in particular is one of the most educational music videos I’ve ever seen (read the headlines!).

Shoes ahoy

Pictures now on the wiki. Also linked from the main page under “Past events”.