I don’t have anything against people who want to stay at university as long as possible: this is, after all, my life. I think long term economic trends point in this direction though.
Is the traditional mathematics blackboard lecture dead?
The Australian Mathematical Society Annual Meeting this year included a public debate on the topic “Is the traditional mathematics blackboard lecture dead?” I was on the affirmative team.
The Impact of Impact
On some aspects of the research funding system in the UK and Australia.
US Anti-war and Israel-Palestine divestment movements
(Disclaimer: I understand that the substitutes are poor here, and the whole exercise may well be taken as trivialising racism, rape and rape culture, which are very serious concerns. If it is taken that way, I apologise in advance. I
Savaging the Tapestry of the Law
Getting off the bus at Berkeley, my stop is right next to the law building. I know that is where John Yoo, the torture lawyer, is a professor. There are over a thousand students and faculty in the law school,
The antiwar movement in the large, and measuring it
http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/measurenonprofit I read this article and thought it was interesting. I had some comments on it, which pertain to the antiwar movement at large, so I thought I would share them. Make of them what you will. 1. Measuring is
Remarks at dinner
These are my prepared remarks, what I said was some approximation to these. Hi, I’m Dan. I’m a grad student here in the mathematics department. Thanks for coming. We are here today because we’re concerned. We’re here today to make
War Criminals of Tomorrow
An awesome video by a friend. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O2KeDPTh3o “Condoleezza Rice is back at Stanford University. What does it mean for the Stanford community to accept an alleged war criminal on their campus? What does the pipeline of war criminals to universities
The poverty of student life
“Modern capitalism and its spectacle allot everyone a specific role in a general passivity. The student is no exception to the rule. He has a provisional part to play, a rehearsal for his final role as an element in market
Things to learn about the world
I am interested pretty broadly in radical politics, and especially in alternatives, vision for a better world, and strategy of how to get there. This means alternatives in all realms of society: politics, economics, kinship, environment, gender relations, race relations,