I don’t know that I would have anything to say that’s not a platitude, but here are some thoughts.
Summarise your maths research in one slide, Dan
As part of an upcoming workshop participants were asked to introduce themselves with a one-page slide. I took it as an extreme form of concision: summarise your maths research in one slide, Dan.
One line Euler line
A fun fact from Euclidean geometry that I thought was a wonderful enough gem to share. It’s standard, but it’s nowhere near any curriculum. I’ll try not to get too snarky about the curriculum.
From Here to Hensel
Here’s a nice maths problem, which I thought it would be fun to discuss. The question doesn’t involve any advanced concepts, but it leads on to a very nice result called Hensel’s lemma.
Return of the Euler-Fermat theorem
A long long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I wrote up an account of the Euler-Fermat theorem for school students.
Sitting out the math wars
Very few professional mathematicians have been involved in the “math wars”, and when they have, they have not always inspired confidence. I wondered why.
Not human, but inhabited by humans: writing mathematics
Mathematics can be written in many ways. One approach, very popular with professional pure mathematicians, is to write as little as possible. But there should also be others.
Breakthroughs in primary school arithmetic
Humans have known how to multiply natural numbers for a long time. In primary school you learn how to multiply numbers using an algorithm which is often called long multiplication, but it’s called “long” for a reason! Recently, a new paper purports to give an algorithm to multiply faster.
From Liouville geometry to contact geometry

(Technical) We’re going to take Liouville structures and move them into 3 dimensions, to obtain contact structures.
Lovely Liouville geometry

(Technical) I’d like to show you some very nice geometry, involving some vector fields and differential forms.