I collated this set of links about hyperbolic geometry while working with SUMaC during the northern summer 2007. I expect they will get out of date very quickly but at the time I collected this list it seemed better than any other similar compilation on the internet. They were updated in November 2008.
Wikipedia on hyperbolic geometry
Pages with lots of links:
Interactive Java applets
- Lots of pages of good interactive java applets on hyperbolic geometry, using cabri.
- Java applet for hyperbolic triangle area
From the geometry center:
- Colleen Robles (some pictures)
- Hyperbolic triangle area (applet)
- Geometry forum
- Models of the hyperbolic plane
- Pictures from video “Not knot”
- Pictures of the hyperbolic plane
- 237 tiling
- About Jeff Weeks software
- Shape of Space video
- Teichmuller navigator
From “Geometry and the Imagination”
- Projects
- Curvature of surfaces: This page and this one too
Hyperbolic tessellations/tilings
- Tessellations with Schlafli symbols
- Gallery by Bernie Friedin
- Escher-style tilings, including hyperbolic ones
- Penguins by Misha Kapovich
Hyperbolic tessellations by Sascha Rogmann:
From M.C. Escher:
- Circle Limit III: 1959 woodcut, second state, in yellow, green, blue, brown and black, printed from 5 blocks
- Circle Limit IV: 1960 woodcut in black and ocre, printed from 2 blocks
Popular Articles
- Visions of Infinity: Tiling a hyperbolic floor inspires both mathematics and art. From sciencenews.org.
- Interview in Cabinet magazine on hyperbolic crochet
Jeff Weeks software:
- KaleidoTile: Polyhedra and tilings
- Curved Spaces: Flight simulator
Other Software
- NonEuclid: Java software for ruler/compass constructions in hyperbolic geometry
- Not Knot (1/2)
- Not Knot (2/2)
- Hyperbolic geometry song (requires stomach)
- Moebius transformations revealed
The Institute for Figuring has a very slick gallery of hyperbolic stuff, including crochet:
- Crochet article
- Reported in the Christian Science Monitor
- LA Times article on crochet
- NY Times article on crochet
- NPR (with mp3) on crochet
- Science article on crochet
- Bangor daily news article on crochet
- Blog entry on crochet:
- Tractrix and “tractional movement” in geometry (in French)
- Tractrix and pseudosphere
- Relationship between tractrix and other models
Random other links
- Neutral and non-euclidean geometries by David C. Royster
- Sewing a two-holed cloth torus
- Hyperbolic surfaces in nature, including hyperbolic paper
- Cool animated gif of a parabolic I saw randomly on a blog
Hyperbolic links